Back in 2000 NBC very briefly aired an animated series starring David Spade called "Sammy", but only two episodes were aired(and out of order at that)and the promos were virtually nonexistent(as NBC had given up on animated series altogether after "God, The Devil and Bob" failed to deliver on the ratings in spite of controversy over the religious aspects)so naturally it bombed, then the show was never heard from again until earlier this year when tapes of all 13 episodes were found inside a crew mates storage and were gradually being digitized and now all 13 episodes have been uploaded on Youtube on this channel here: Sammy
So far i'm loving this show, the animation is quite similar to the Klasky-Cuopo shows on Nick(which makes sense as the director of the show worked for KC)it looks most similar to MTV's "Downtown". The humor is overall pretty dry and Daria-esque, only with a lot more Hollywood references, it's a crime against humanity that NBC never gave this show a chance. Spade actually shows off some pretty good range here as both Hollywood star James Blake and his absentee father Sammy, Andy Dick also amuses as Blake's agent. So far i'm really hooked on the budding will-they-won't-they romance between James and his assistant Kathy and i'm interested to see how that turns out.
So far I’ve only watched episode 1 of Sammy and right from the start it reminded me of Daria due to the signature cynical & sarcastic comedy aspects that I like about David Spade’s work. I could totally see this show flourishing on Adult Swim. Mr. Spade was right, this is a cable show. It’s pretty sad that it was lost in obscurity for so long.
At the very least I hope that it will be released for legal streaming somewhere so that it can gain more of a following. The best outcome would be for David Spade to get all the rights to the show and then be able to release it officially.
Anyway, it would be fun to use this thread to write up some reviews about the episodes as we watch them now that they’ve been found. It’d be even more fun to have an online watch party of the series on discord or something. If I decide to host one I’ll post about it here if anyone else is interested in marathoning the series together.
So far I’ve only watched episode 1 of Sammy and right from the start it reminded me of Daria due to the signature cynical & sarcastic comedy aspects that I like about David Spade’s work. I could totally see this show flourishing on Adult Swim. Mr. Spade was right, this is a cable show. It’s pretty sad that it was lost in obscurity for so long.
At the very least I hope that it will be released for legal streaming somewhere so that it can gain more of a following. The best outcome would be for David Spade to get all the rights to the show and then be able to release it officially.
Anyway, it would be fun to use this thread to write up some reviews about the episodes as we watch them now that they’ve been found. It’d be even more fun to have an online watch party of the series on discord or something. If I decide to host one I’ll post about it here if anyone else is interested in marathoning the series together.
Yeah for the longest time I did actually think Sammy aired on MTV for some reason, it would've fit perfectly on there. I do have to wonder if NBC will officially release the series on Peacock.