In Australia during the late 2000's and early 2010's, a TV show called Wipeout aired on Channel 9. This show was the predecessor to Australian Ninja Warrior and follows a very similar format to ANW where competitors try to complete an obstacle course without falling in the water, AKA a Wipeout. Ever since the show aired, it was to my knowledge not aired again. It's also not available on the network's streaming service as it didn't exist when the show was aired. I'm sure the episodes still exist in Channel 9's archives which is good but I would still like to find all the episodes and rewatch them so I can see how Wipeout compares to Ninja Warrior.
Preservation saves not only the media, but also the time and effort put into making the media.
Regardless, Wipeout and Sasuke Ninja Warrior are two different shows, each with a million different regional variations in name and title.
Wipeout Australia is available for free on Tubi, anyway.
_alexpine_ on discord. 2018 was HOW many years ago?!?! If RPGMakerFan12 is so good, why isn't there an RPGMakerFan13?