I've been wondering about this one for awhile. Basically in the AD episode "Seizures Suit Stanny" there's a song that plays during Stan's texting montage that I can't seem to find any information on. Googling the lyrics does nothing and the wiki has no information on it either. Can anyone solve this mystery?
Here are the lyrics:
I know my P.O.V. is A.F.K. My energy is M.I.A. and never coming back and FYI, the 411 on the F.A.Q. list anyone will tell you It's a lot like doin' crack W-T-F-I rolling on the floor laughing, L.M.A.O. interaction wait for another reply A.S.A.P. O.M.G. Are you gonna T.X.T. me back tonight?
Sounds like something G. Love & Special Sauce would make even if the lyrics are laughably bad.