Well, the LMW does have a Discord server - here's a link if you're interested discord.gg/M37sdUd . It's usually more active than the forums, but to be honest, a lot of it tends to just be shitposting (even outside of the shitposting channel)...
Maybe try Reddit? It catches a lot of flack from some people because of the large number of "M'Lady"/fedora/MRA/otherwise-embarrassing crowd that makes up the most *vocal* part of its userbase... but just stick away from the political subreddits and the default ones listed at the top of the homepage, and there's some cool stuff on there. Pretty easy to find people with the same interests since there's an virtually infinite amount of subreddits (some more active than others, but point is, you'll probably find what you're looking for if you just do a google search, such as "reddit obscure media" etc).
Also, for what it's worth, I too used to think Twitter was a dumb idea, but once I actually made an account, it grew on me quickly... and unlike Tumblr and Facebook, it hasn't grown old for me either.
EDIT: Actually, you might not want to join the Discord for the next few days...