I don't know what this is, and also if you don't remember the name and don't have any good production info than please take this to r/tipofmytongue ( www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/ ) instead of posting here. I understand that you have noble intentions, but anyone who makes threads like this should really be posting to r/tipofmytongue or (in SOME CASES) the unidentified media board.
r/tipofmytongue is a subreddit dedicated to finding out the names of media that the OPs have forgotten based on details, lyrics, etc. Well, I'm just going to come out and say it, this is a much better place for people to find out the name of media they are interested in than here (or the other subsections in this section of the forums). Instead of finding out stuff like name based off of nothing much, we here at LMW like to take lots of preexisting info, use the leads it garners to find even more info (mostly production), and use the new info to find the media in question. So, I hope this really educates people about what both platforms do and what you should use them for.
Privileged white trash lol. If you're lonely, talk to me on the Discord.
/r/tipofmytongue is pretty reliable however there will be times where you get no response, if this happens use some of the other sources linked here, if you still don't have any answers come here. An important thing to remember is that this is a relatively small community especially compared to somewhere like reddit, if you don't know the name of your media then the most likely way you'll find it is somebody else who knows about the media and sees your post, the more people who see your post the more likely that is to happen.
Yeah, it seems that no one has given a fuck about this thread and everyone will insist to ask their questions here and ONLY here, despite all directions that are given.
There's nothing wrong with asking for media identification in this section (that IS what it's here for, after all), just don't be too disappointed if none of us are able to help.
There's nothing wrong with asking for media identification in this section (that IS what it's here for, after all), just don't be too disappointed if none of us are able to help.