This music video needs to be released in its entirety already. Jason Matzner (who collaborated with director Brendan Lambe on the video) apparently has the master tape. Only a 40-second snippet has been out for the past 9 years. Here is his official website:
"NEW VERSION IS COMING! I was able to locate the master tape and now have it sitting on my desk. I've found a post house that can digitize the material and plane to have it posted for all of you sometime over the holidays.
Sorry all for the delay - my old directing partner Brendan Lambe had the master tape but it was buried in his archive."
He then says:
"By 'new version' I mean the original full version of the video. "
It has been 7 years since he posted these comments. As of 2020, nothing more has been heard about it from him. Let's try to get him to upload the full version!!!