It seems in this case all you have to do is buy the script.
I'm not sure Script City is trustworthy. They don't list a physical address. Their listed phone number, (818) 701-0012, appears to be used for Script City and a moving company.
It seems in this case all you have to do is buy the script.
I'm not Script City is trustworthy. They don't list a physical address. Their listed phone number, (818) 701-0012, appears to be used for Script City and a moving company.
Script City seems pretty reliable, it's how people got the Circle 7 Toy Story 3 script and the Toy Story 4 pre-rewrite script. Also I don't have the money to get the script atm.
It seems in this case all you have to do is buy the script.
I'm not Script City is trustworthy. They don't list a physical address. Their listed phone number, (818) 701-0012, appears to be used for Script City and a moving company.
Script City seems pretty reliable, it's how people got the Circle 7 Toy Story 3 script and the Toy Story 4 pre-rewrite script. Also I don't have the money to get the script atm.
If the script is readily obtainable, it's not lost media.
"Weekend? It's Monday already."
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