Robotboy was a British-French animated TV series that ran on Cartoon Network from 2005 until 2008. I've recently found somewhere that says there was an unaired pilot episode from 2003 that notably was animated in CGI instead of traditional 2D animation like the actual show. It was apparently screened at the 2003 SIGGRAPH convention, whose 1995 convention notably hosted the "Johnny Quasar" Jimmy Neutron prototype short that was lost but was later rediscovered by the internet. Apparently this CGI promo was was released as a preview using Alias Wavefront Maya and Avid DS.
I did some light digging. The only hit I get is that Wikia page which is a bad sign as it cites nothing. It claims the pilot was presented at Siggraph on August 12, 2003, despite the fact that conference ended almost two weeks earlier ... It's not listed as something screened at the event either.. That date does lineup with the 2004 SIGGRAPH ... where nothing Robotboy or from Alphanim was presented. The company didn't have an exhibit at either event. First mention of Robotboy I can find on LuxAnimation's website was in October '04, but obviously it was in development and pre-production a lot earlier than that. Alphanim's site used Flash and wasn't archived well.
That bit was added to the page by a user called GinaGiovanniello2001. Ask her if she has a source for that. Don't hold your breath waiting.