About 4 years ago I started a channel that uploaded British adverts and other small segments of British television from 1970-2008. I had a few of my own VHS tapes but aside from going through them I mostly just looked up a brand and a year, found somebody else's massive compilation of adverts and just trimmed the one that I wanted of it and uploaded it separately (pretty scummy, yeah).
Anyway, I remember a while back I started looking for the Co-Op Christmas Advert from 2007, as I was pretty sure I could remember seeing it on TV at that time. Not strangely, I couldn't find it on YouTube, but a bit more strangely, I couldn't find a single mention of it online at all. Even Co-Ops website has a specific gap on the WayBack Machine, with their not being a single archive in December 2007. I'm yet to contact Co-Op because it seems kinda silly, but yeah, that's something. It must exist, all supermarkets do Christmas adverts every year.
I believe in 2007 the brand would have just completed the transition from "Co-Op" to "The Co-Operative Food", if that's of any importance. Now, I'd like to finish of this post by saying yeah, I know that almost every British supermarket advert isn't on the internet. I just want to find this one. Guess it's a comfort thing or something I dunno. Yeah!