Class dismissed is a British kids sketch comedy show about a group of pupils who attend a school with over the top teachers. This series was made because cbbc put a online pilot on a page where kids could decide whether they would want to watch a certain show or not. The page had a short trailer showing what the show would be like. The show is very slapstick in nature a lot of the comedy comes from people getting covered in some sort of mess.
There's a teacher who sneezes over students and they get covered in Slime.
One thing, I remember from the trailer that didn't end up in the actual show was one of these slapstick messy scenes, however it was someone getting covered in baked beans rather than slime.
I have looked online for this pilot but can't find it anywhere, there's a tweet linking to the pilot however the link is now dead. The tweet is dated the 11 Nov 2014,so still quite recent so why isn't this pilot online?