Hey guys. I was Google+ when my friend The Video Fox posted that on iTunes, the soundtrack for Puss in Boots is missing a track, Track Number 6 - Diablo Rojo by Rodigo y Gabriela. According to him, a different version was used for the movie. The closest thing he got to it was from the Rodigo y Gabriela's 2006 album but it wasn't the same as the one in Puss in Boots.
Last Edit: Jun 16, 2016 3:51:52 GMT by D. BrOkEn: Wording! H0RRIBLE H0RRIBLE M3
At lrast thee people that made it dont have as many lost songs as Slipknot, or the Pre Korn bands, Or even Marilyn Manson (100+ lost antichrist superstar demo songs).
I rise from the ashes. Only to fall back in again.