Hmm... I would still recommend getting one of those devices I mentioned earlier and try to see if you can access the files that way. While the clicking hard drive does not boot into the OS, it is still very possible to recover files using that device.
might be a little late to the party but luckily my uncle kept every single hard drive from every cpu my family ever owned. I can see if I can get him to loan them to me and see if they boot up. most of the time they weren't dead we just upgraded so hopefully there's a chance.
Hi meditate03!! I absolutely agree with you and I can confirm for a fact that you are right, should all the dependencies and files be there we could run the game offline! I have been spending the last couple of days downloading all the CN flash games, I actually found a method to download all .swf and .dcr games with all their dependencies and make them work offline, you can check what I accomplished in my thread at kametsu, found two of the creators of the game that actually should have both this and Total Drama Best Game Ever, unfortunately they can't distribute anything as it would violate their contract (even though CN has not been using the game since 2009, ALMOST a decade!!), but still if you want to try and ask for yourself just search for Gonzalo Frasca and Sofia Battegazzore on twitter and ask them, maybe if they see how much and how many of us still care they might slip us a link, they are our best hope!! You guys can try to tweet her too! I guess she is our best hope yet!