I tried to contact both of Boritz's email addresses a couple weeks ago and nothing happened on the upside we know that Boritz is probably trying to stay away from means of contact now.
Would you be interested in releasing a film called A Day With SpongeBob SquarePants? Your channel's bigger so it'd probably get more attention there. It's a lost film so you'd have the exclusive copy.
It's unclear if they're saying they have it and wants to know if Anime_Zone would be interested in uploading it, or if they're simply asking if Anime_Zone has it. Here's the user account of the person who left the comment: www.zippcast.com/user/HypnotizeMe
EDIT: Their channel header says the following:
You know what? What kind of fool was I trying to release this for free? I can make a decent amount o
...It got cut off, but it's still pretty clear what they were trying to say. If that's in reference to ADWSS it's not good news.
Well, as it turns out, the guy who tweeted that all those years ago still has a social media presence. It's possible that he may still own the film and therefore, we can attempt to contact him and see if he can help us with securing the film's existence.
If you want to try and get in touch with him, these are your best bets.
Remember most of all to be civil in your posts to him. The last thing we need when searching for something so strangely rare as this is pissing off potentially the best lead we have.
We've already tried tweeting at him and messaging him on Tumblr. One person even tried sending him a message on facebook, but he doesn't check any of them. Either that or he's ignoring us for some unknown reason. Maybe I should try sending an anonymous message unrelated to ADWSS to see if he checks it at all.
I don't know how to quote multiple posts, and I don't want to be rude and multi-bump so I'll do this
@thatoneguy That was found pretty early, we used it to track down MVD as well as the bar code for the movie
matt I was able to get a response from him, he really wants to stay away from this, going as far as to tell me not to contact him about the movie again.
Lucy I also tried getting in touch with him, but he hasn't responded. The anime channel he posted to responded. I've been watching their interactions since HM first posted on /co/