Fortune Quest L is a anime from 1997 as the sequel of the original manga by Mishio Fukazawa and the 1993 ovas of J.C Staff (Same studio as Slayers) and distributed in VHS by Media Works
PLOT: As the group gets back from a long adventure Trapp's father also comes back from an excursion from Mt. Terrason with a precious white dragon jewel that looks identical to Shiro's jewel. Clay, Pastel, Rumy, and Shiro set out find out if there is a link to the two jewels and whether Shiro might find his parents
DUB: The dub was made by Rose Entertainment in 2006 and the only distributor who brodcast this dub was ETC...TV in 2006 and 2011 (For 15th Anniversary of the channel) The only information of the dub was some commercials of ETC...TV, the opening and the Rose Entertaiment web page (Wich has a episode of the anime but you need a password to see it, but they donĀ“t tell or respond about the password)