Apparently NationSquid actually stole the video from Kyuss, not vice versa. He just made a comment about here.
Actually, it IS vice versa, the re-uploader is lying.
NationSquid posted his video on January 31 and Kyuss posted the same vid on February 9th, so Kyuss is lying
Kyuss is absolutely in the right on this one guys. Nation Squad (or whatever his name is), as so many people in this thread have pointed out already, steals and fakes stuff for views. Kyuss said he doesn't care about views, all of his videos have like 200 views , he addressed this on a 4chan chat->
Actually, it IS vice versa, the re-uploader is lying.
NationSquid posted his video on January 31 and Kyuss posted the same vid on February 9th, so Kyuss is lying
I believe Kyuss is in the right here. Nation Squad (or whatever his name is), as so many people in this thread have pointed out already, steals and fakes things. Kyuss addressed this. ->
kyuss also posted on NationSquid's video 3 days ago without issue. He's full of shit. He saw a chance to gain some publicity off of that bad reporting and he is running with it.