Three Delivery is an animated series that aired on YTV in Canada and Nicktoons in the United States. The series was produced by The Collective in New York, with animation production done at the Miramichi, Canada studio FatKat. Three Delivery was a difficult project and FatKat shut down just a week after delivering the final episode to broadcasters in May 2009.
FatKat was featured in an episode of CBC's Land & Sea that initially aired on October 12, 2008. Called "New Brunswick Business," it detailed ... uh, businesses in New Brunswick that you wouldn't really expect a small part of Canada to be involved with. FatKat's segment was shot in early 2008 and followed the company just as they were finishing the first episode of Three Delivery. The episode was aired multiple times on CBC as well as its sister channels. It was even available officially on the channel's website, but that has long since been removed.
It won't be as dramatic as that British TV show that was rolling just as a game developer was getting kicked out of their office, but it could provide some insight into the mood of the company at the time. Then again, the show's only 22 minutes and they followed 3 separate companies, so it might just be a puff piece.
Post by apartofthenarrative on Dec 30, 2017 2:39:25 GMT
This show is a tough one to find. I've gone onto the wayback machine several times trying to access the nicktoons website and show list from early to mid 2009. It seems as if the show index was not backed up at all during that period. I'll keep looking on YTV as well. It's possible there will be something somewhere about this show. The episode "New Brunswick Business" from Land and Sea is not on any list I can find as of now. I will keep looking for sure though.