This is an anime series that was never released in North America. According to unsourced ANN information, it was dubbed in Singapore and aired on Cartoon Network Philippines.
The only reason I'm holding off on the article right now is that I'd like a proper release window. Unfortunately, Cartoon Network Asia's website was built using Flash during this era. All of that is gone as the Wayback Machine didn't grab the files. I can't find any confirmation on whether or not this aired in Singapore. A SGCafe user stated that as of March 2006 the VCDs were out, but the show hadn't aired on local TV. The rental shop says the VCDs came out in 2006.
I now own the fourth and final box-set of this series (containing episodes 37 - 47, part number LH 2858) and I am in the process of obtaining the first, second and third. The "last modified" date of the .DAT (video) files happen to be 22 February 2006, so the ballpark of March 2006 would indeed be a reasonable release window.
As far as I know this show never aired on TV (Mediacorp TV12; Kids Central). Searching around on the NewspaperSG Archives do not bring up any results of it airing either, so its safe to say that it was straight-to-video. I wouldn't imagine many people tuning in to something like this around that time anyway.