So, a few months back, I made an opening graphic for the Thing of the Day segment for Good Game Pocket (an Aussie web show that's sort of a spin-off of an Aussie TV show); since the beginning of this year (ie. the show's second year) they began using user-submitted graphics to open said segment, which is what lead me to creating one.
Anyway, here is the one I made:
As of a few days ago, they announced that they were holding a competition for best TOTD graphic, out of the first 78 submissions (mine being the 47th).
Anywho, would any of you guys mind voting for mine? I would really appreciate it As I mentioned, I am number 47 and can be found about halfway down the voting page.
He I know this is not the place for this but I haven't been able to run into you or renard
Buuut I need an article deleted...Kiki's delivery service, it was never really lost and its been avaliable sence 2013...I don't think it's worth editing unless you think so...