First off, I would like to make it clear that I do NOT want to be a moderator. I understand that it would takes lots of commitment and responsibility. But I was curious how this happens. Do you reach out to a mod? Does a mod select a user that they believe is a good candidate to do so? Again, just curious. Thanks!
Professional highschooler, aspiring artist. Made a website recently.
I am not a moderator, but from what I know there isn't any formal process, nor is there really a need for one. New staff members have to be approved by all of the Admins, but as far as I know that's the extent of the formal "how to".
Moving from what I know to what is pure conjecture, I heavily suspect that new moderators are appointed on an as-needed basis and rather arbitrarily: if the collective opinion of the staff is that somebody would make a good moderator, they're probably gonna be a moderator eventually. That leads you to the Catch-22 at the core of all moderator positions: in order to become a moderator, it's best to never actually try to be a moderator, and instead simply try to be as helpful as you can around the community (responding to threads, cleaning up the wiki, etc.) If one truly should be a moderator, they will become one - it's a matter of time, really. In general with internet forums/communities at large, my position is that the best moderators are people who never set out to be moderators, but ended up being moderators because that was where they could best help out.
That said, if any would-be moderators are reading this: obviously you can just ask if you really want to. The staff team is a bunch of humans who are passionate about Lost Media and doing this in their free time. The worst they can say is no. (And they'll probably say no, but it can't hurt to ask, right?)
_alexpine_ on discord. 2018 was HOW many years ago?!?! If RPGMakerFan12 is so good, why isn't there an RPGMakerFan13?