When I was a child, I saw a strange video on television. First they showed a video of a live animal, and then they showed a person eating the cooked animal. The animals were a green caterpillar, a miniature dog (Yorkshire Terrier?), a monkey (?), and maybe someone else. I have no idea if it was a commercial and what it was advertising. I also have no idea what channel it was on. I would like someone to help me find this strange video.
1 - Vegan propaganda: Like PETA or something, showing like "this is what you're really eating when you eat food think before you eat!"
2 - Video game ad: This is most likely in my opinion. I see a lot of videos of old ads for consoles in the 2000s that had just such weird and random visuals just to grab viewers' attention
Do you know what time period and what country seen the commercial?
I saw this commercial sometime in the 2000s. I remember there was a TV show that showed funny commercials from different countries. If this commercial was shown on that TV show, then the country of production could be anything. Although I'm not even 100% sure it was a commercial at all.