I’m helping someone find a lost girls show from the early 2010’s (or even earlier) and this is all they can remember the girl was like 7? In the real world she had brown hair but in the other world she had purple hair. The girl that blows bubbles had pink pigtails I think? And there was also a kola/ bear thing that loved hugs. And the robot think was really flexible and I think he fell apart sometimes, and also there was like a a garden and the flowers were fairies? The Aunt gave the girl like a chest and inside were the characters but plush form, and when she went to the other world she would touch like a fake purple flower in her wall, and the place the characters from the other world lived in had stairs that turned into a slide” I was stumped because I could’ve sworn watching it too So if anyone could help out, greatly appreciated
I'm pretty sure I found it, it's called Luna Petunia. The "real world" segents are live action and the rest of the show is GC. Side characters feature a koala-looking thing, a robot with bendy accordion limbs, and a robot lady that shoots bubbles from her shrek ears. Is this it?
I'm pretty sure I found it, it's called Luna Petunia. The "real world" segents are live action and the rest of the show is GC. Side characters feature a koala-looking thing, a robot with bendy accordion limbs, and a robot lady that shoots bubbles from her shrek ears. Is this it?