I’m sure pretty much all of you guys would randomly pick videos to watch on YouTube as a kid that had a cute Thumbnail. I remember doing that one day and I clicked on a video that had an angry baby or rabbit on the cover. It was a 3d animated video that showed a baby/rabbit and their sibling fighting arguing. The baby/rabbit got so mad at their siblings that theyPut their sibling in the dryer. From what I remember, their sibling started bleeding every where and their eye popped out of their socket. It creeped me out as a kid. But I have a very vague memory of it. I don’t remember what happened in the end, if the main baby thing was a rabbit or human, or what the siblings were fighting about. The art style was similar to the Rabbids games/shows. The same 3d art style. Because the rabbids art style was used in the animation, I was afraid of any that had to do with rabbids. As I got older I realized that rabbids probably had nothing to do with the animation.