Hello lost media forums, I would like your help in a minor investigation of mine into cancelled iQUE(nintendo china) game releases.
When investagting I came across this chinese article called "GBA中文游戏全集" in te article is a image of what appears to be a Simpl. Chinese logo for Pokemon Emerald saying 宠物小精灵: 绿宝石
The text accompanying the image says the release was cancelled due to censorship issues, but so far I have found very little info on this cancelled release or where this image came from.
Can you help me verify whether this is real or a hoax?
EDIT: I found an additional article with the same image in a bigger resolution. Under the image it had the caption 当年的国行PM,可惜未过审 [The version back then, did not pass inspection (by cultural bureau)].
Last Edit: Oct 24, 2023 5:12:54 GMT by sakurashinji
This image is also found on a couple other articles, with the caption
"The version back then, did not pass inspection (by cultural bureau)"
I think I may have found the origin of this image originainating froma now-defuncted GBA discussion forum can ChinaGBA. But the image think is dead an archived. An d the website forum itself is not archived very well so I don't think the original post where the image came from is either, but I dont' know yet.