There's been a PSA that I remember seeing when I was a kid that always creeped me out, but despite posting on other websites about it I've never been able to find anything about it since. It played at the beginning of each DVD from a set of wildlife videos I watched frequently. I can't remember anything about the videos either other than that they came in a two or three pack and had colorful cases and each was about a specific category of animals.
For the PSA itself it was a logger with a chainsaw cutting into a massive white cardboard square that had a picture of a tree or animal and it's name listed like he's cutting a tree down. He cuts it and it falls onto another square that has another animal on it which creates a domino effect of knocking down a bunch of other plants and animals before increasing to bigger concepts like water and then ends with something like Oxygen or the Earth which falls and crushes the man from the beginning. After there was either words or a narrator that said how either loss of animals or deforestation would have a domino effect that would cause the end of humanity.
The video seemed older to me than the rest of the DVD and I remember it being animated through a bunch of real pictures of the man added together to show movement, and he may have been made of paper himself.
Which country was this in? And around what time period?
It was in the United States and the video was from the early 2000's, but the production levels of the PSA and other video could've been from the mid to late 90's
YES!!! Thank you so much I've been looking for years. I had thought it was a WWF PSA but literally couldn't find anything connected to it and had forgotten it started with a Rhino completely. Since that clip was uploaded 10 months ago explains why I couldn't find it in my previous searches.