The title is crazy but I swear I’ve seen this. Back around 2010-2013 I was scrolling through YouTube and found a video portraying Peppa Pig in her typical setting, but I don’t think the animation quality was all that great. I remembered acknowledging that it was incredibly different from normal Peppa Pig animation. This was around the time where edgy flash animations and showing kids characters doing outrageous acts was pretty popular. I remember that within the first minute or so of the video, the setting doesn’t change much, but Peppa downed a few bottles of what I presume to be beer. I don’t remember much but I do remember her throwing up and at one point in the video pulled a gun out. I sound absolutely crazy trying to explain this but I’ve been looking for years and it’s driving me nuts. I feel like my little 2010 brain couldn’t have possibly made this up. I don’t think it really got too many views because I’ve brought this up to a few people and they don’t have any clue what I’m referring to. I’m going crazy looking for this I swear lol. This is my final attempt to find it.