I was was wondering if anyone could help me identify a tv show I saw when I was a kid. It was around 1998 and on public television. The plot of the episode I can remember was a mad scientist character wants to make a monster and sends an Igor like character to an abandoned lab to get a brain. He looses the brain and stops by a classroom and gets a peice of gum to use as a brain. The school then turned into a village and everyone ran from the monster except for girl. She befriended it as it played with flower petals in a fountain
I was was wondering if anyone could help me identify a tv show I saw when I was a kid. It was around 1998 and on public television. The plot of the episode I can remember was a mad scientist character wants to make a monster and sends an Igor like character to an abandoned lab to get a brain. He looses the brain and stops by a classroom and gets a peice of gum to use as a brain. The school then turned into a village and everyone ran from the monster except for girl. She befriended it as it played with flower petals in a fountain
I think you'd have better luck finding out what that was by asking about that sort of thing on the sub-reddit Tip of my Tongue.
It definitely could be. The characters look right.none of the episodes sound like an exact match of my memories but I definitely will watch some to be sure
With my obsession with this game I am obligated to at least attempt at a guess and say; it sounds kind of a lot like Psychonauts 1 in a way. Like not completely but maybe get it mixed up with other memories of something else