which states: "'Lepa parada', produced in color and dubbed in Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian...". The DVD only contains the Serbo-Croatian dub; I've been unable to find any information on the Hungarian dub. Would you say this passes the "lost dub" requirements?
You have a copy so even if it was lost you could just stick it online.
I don't think you understood what I meant; I have the Serbo-Croatian version only. Not the Hungarian version.
That does change things but personally I still think it doesn't really warrant an article, dubs are touchy subjects especially for already obscure shows, the problem with these things is that nobody really ever cared about them that much, so they become lost easily, this is where this rule
Pieces of lost media are only eligible for an article if they are relevant enough to warrant one, ie. they must be relatively known amongst the general public; if unsure of a potential article's eligibility, please contact a staff member.
is relevant, it's still very subjective but personally I think it's not worth an article.