Noah Knows Best is an American sitcom television series that aired on Nickelodeon. The show premiered on October 7, 2000 and was canceled with five unaired episodes out of thirteen produced, due to low ratings. The show starred Phillip Van Dyke as the title character, Noah. The show was recorded at Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando, Florida and was the last sitcom of its kind to be taped there as the concept was too outdated by its time of premiering. It was one of the last shows to premiere on Nickelodeon's Saturday Night block, SNICK.
The show only lasted for a few months on Nickelodeon, from October 2000 to January 2001. Many argue that this is because Noah Knows Best was based on the same show formula as Clarissa Explains it All which premiered back in 1991. The poor ratings resulted in the quick cancellation of the show. The show hasn't been broadcast on Nickelodeon or any of its sister networks since. There is no news if it'll return on The Splat block on TeenNick.
There are currently 5 unaired episodes, and there isnt any news on the show returning.
Noah Knows Best is an American sitcom television series that aired on Nickelodeon. The show premiered on October 7, 2000 and was canceled with five unaired episodes out of thirteen produced, due to low ratings. The show starred Phillip Van Dyke as the title character, Noah. The show was recorded at Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando, Florida and was the last sitcom of its kind to be taped there as the concept was too outdated by its time of premiering. It was one of the last shows to premiere on Nickelodeon's Saturday Night block, SNICK.
The show only lasted for a few months on Nickelodeon, from October 2000 to January 2001. Many argue that this is because Noah Knows Best was based on the same show formula as Clarissa Explains it All which premiered back in 1991. The poor ratings resulted in the quick cancellation of the show. The show hasn't been broadcast on Nickelodeon or any of its sister networks since. There is no news if it'll return on The Splat block on TeenNick.
There are currently 5 unaired episodes, and there isnt any news on the show returning.
Not just the unaired episodes--I can't find this show anywhere, even torrents. I did find one download link, but it was to a Spanish dub. I'm sure the show isn't very good, but I remember watching it as it aired and it would have been a nice stroll down memory lane.