Episode 53:Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie One of the most popular late-90s Nick cartoon characters is set to return to his finale TV movie! How did it get there?
Episode 54:Dixie Chicks death threat letter As they step up against a controversial war, a country music band's image is changed forever as they undergo very nasty backlash.
Episode 59:Blue's Clues Before the beloved kid show became what it was, it almost was about a cat... and it also got a remade in South Korea! What's the deal with this?
Episode 60:Rocket Power pilot This is one of the less-remembered Nickelodeon cartoons, but it still has its fans. And also a hard-to-find pilot episode! Amanda returns to talk about this show...
Episode 61:Heil Honey I'm Home! A sitcom about Hitler, that's right. But this weird satirical parody sitcom had even more episodes than what we saw.
Lost Media Chronicles is no longer an official LMW series and Shoegazer is not affiliated with us at all anymore. If Randy wants to continue the series on his own, that's his prerogative, but somehow I doubt it will happen. As such, this thread is now locked.