I am petitioning to have the complete series of Little Clowns of Happytown on either DVD or a Streaming Service, so please, whoever you are, do not hesitate to show your support and sign.
I am almost halfway through to having the Little Clowns be on either DVD, Blu-Ray, or a streaming service! So please, whoever you are, do not hesitate to show your support and sign and spread the word to help make it happen!
Great news I found someone that has recordings of two episodes that are lost in English-To Mr. Pickleherring With Love and Big Heart, Sweetheart, i'm working out a trade with him right now to get them.
I am almost halfway through to having the Little Clowns be on either DVD, Blu-Ray, or a streaming service! So please, whoever you are, do not hesitate to show your support and sign and spread the word to help make it happen!
Here's the recordings of Big Heart Sweet Heart and To Mr Pickelherring With Love(though the latter cuts out at the end unfortunately so you might want to do a fan-edit with the foreign dub): Little Clowns