O Canada is a Canadian-American animated television anthology series, broadcast in the United States on Cartoon Network. O Canada was the first Canadian cartoon series to air on Cartoon Network. Shown mainly on Sunday nights (early Monday mornings) at 12:00 midnight ET, O Canada featured a selection of animated shorts from Canada, mostly from the archives of the National Film Board of Canada. Some of the animated shorts featured were part of the NFB's Canada Vignettes collection of shorts first produced for CBC Television. The title of the series originated from the name of Canada's national anthem, O Canada. One of the notable shorts featured in this series was Bob's Birthday, which would later serve as the basis for Comedy Central / Global Television Network's Bob and Margaret series, which would debut the following year. Despite its time slot, Bob's Birthday was censored with one scene, that featured Bob fully bottomless, edited with a maple leaf electronically superimposed over his genitalia.
I seem to remember a cat playing jazz, but it might just be a scene from the Aristocats.
O Canada is a Canadian-American animated television anthology series, broadcast in the United States on Cartoon Network. O Canada was the first Canadian cartoon series to air on Cartoon Network. Shown mainly on Sunday nights (early Monday mornings) at 12:00 midnight ET, O Canada featured a selection of animated shorts from Canada, mostly from the archives of the National Film Board of Canada. Some of the animated shorts featured were part of the NFB's Canada Vignettes collection of shorts first produced for CBC Television. The title of the series originated from the name of Canada's national anthem, O Canada. One of the notable shorts featured in this series was Bob's Birthday, which would later serve as the basis for Comedy Central / Global Television Network's Bob and Margaret series, which would debut the following year. Despite its time slot, Bob's Birthday was censored with one scene, that featured Bob fully bottomless, edited with a maple leaf electronically superimposed over his genitalia.
I seem to remember a cat playing jazz, but it might just be a scene from the Aristocats.
I'm glad I could help, I've got a copy of this that was actually recorded from cartoon network's O'Canada block but part of the title is missing as well as almost the entirety of the credits, one of my parents had a habit of recording clips from that block for a while so ive got some other clips that might be considered "lost" and i just don't know it lol
Last Edit: May 14, 2021 2:25:42 GMT by oxleymations
Alright y'all, so after going through what little remains of my childhood television recordings I have found over 2 hours of Cartoon Network's O'Canada content from the 90's including one full commercial bumper and two partial bumpers, if anyone is looking I have the following 21 shorts(most are incomplete):
The Apprentice
Oh, Sure
Every Child
The Sweater
Every Dog's Guide To Complete Home Safety
The Dingles
Every Dog's Guide To The PlayGround
Emergency Numbers
The Family That Dwelt Apart
How Dinosaurs Learned To Fly
The Energy Carol
What On Earth!
Blackberry Subway Jam
Get A Job
La Salla
Last Edit: Jun 7, 2022 23:06:02 GMT by oxleymations