I'm a fan of an Indy filmmaker named James Ward and his company Three Degrees Off Center. In his second feature length project title The Hit Girl a bounty hunter runs across a magic statue that changes him from a middle age 220 pound man to a 98 pound teenage girl. At one point the bounty hunter *(renamed Jessica) ends up at their neice's slumber party. The other slumber party attendees give Jessica a makeover. When the niece and her mom return from getting more chips at the store Jessica sayd my favorite line in any movie I've ever seen.
Jessica is sitting on the stairs in a dress with a clown level of makeup on and says through gritted teeth "They made me wear a thong." First time I watched the movie and that line happened I shot Dr. Pepper out of my nose. Not so much the words, but the delivery.
“We must blame them and cause a fuss,before somebody thinks of blaming us.”-South Park:Bigger Longer and Uncut.
This quote and the movie itself explain censorship and its effects pretty well. (Ok the effect part is a bit stretching the truth,it’s not like WW3 is going to start if some parents throw a tantrum about their son reading Captain Underpants.)
My favorite exchange between Al Bundy and one of his shoe store customers:
"I can't believe you'd say that to my face!"
"Well, I'd say it behind your back, but my car only has a half a tank of gas!"
I know you're only talking to keep the silence out Maybe you should listen and leave some room for doubt You're just handing out bad reputations Why don't you shut your mouth? -Motorhead, "Overnight Sensation"
I don't remember a lot of quotes from classic novels but thare is this one book called If I Stay and the quote, "I'd like to play you like a cello" has lived in my head rent free for years.
A couple of months ago I saw this comment left on a very bad fanfiction.
_alexpine_ on discord. 2018 was HOW many years ago?!?! If RPGMakerFan12 is so good, why isn't there an RPGMakerFan13? lostmediawiki.com/User:BrightyLighty