I don't remember exactly when I first used LMW, maybe around 2015-2016, maybe RebelTaxi mentioned something. I definitely remember being on the old wiki before the mass migration, so sometime before the modern one was created. Really though I started being interested in lost media maybe around 2006 because the Sonic fandom at that time was basically centered on learning as much as possible about prototypes for Sonic games. I was around when drx dropped the Sonic 2 Nick Arcade prototype, it felt like such a big deal I ran to tell my mom lol. It was just so insane getting to see how different Sonic 2 was. Now all that is common lore to the game but the only prototype we had at that time was the Simon Wai proto. Anyway it's still up to debate if video game prototypes and stuff like that really count as lost media, but I was really interested in that topic from then on, and it also ends up bringing you to learning about various lost media. I also remember learning about Cry Baby Lane back when it had one spooky screenshot and may or may not have even existed.
Really I don't remember but I think the period when "Lost Media" as this term encompassing many things and more content creators like Blameitonjorge or RebelTaxi got into it that's when I started thinking more like I was a fan of lost media. This would have been around the time A Day with SpongeBob was big.
My first memories of here are like 2017ish I think. It may have been through the "Croc 3 lost media hoax," since that IS one of the first topics I remember seeing on this site, and getting into. Back then, people definitely believed it was real though, and I was one of those people haha.
I found about this site through LSuperSonicQ lost media videos. He mentioned it a couple times in his videos and I though I would join in, hoping that anyone can help me find all the pieces of lost media that I'm looking for.